As the main source in the meat foodstuff, live pig is one of the biggest industries in stock raising of China, and possesses upper proportion in farmer income. 生猪是我国畜牧业第一大产业,也是我国肉类食品的主要来源,在我国农民收入中占有较高的比重。
It was the land utilization way in the process of the reform and development of family contract-management system that farmland stock cooperation management system was practiced by the farmer creations and carried on with steady steps under the national policy instruction. 农地股份合作经营制度就是在家庭联产承包经营制度自身改革和发展的过程中由农民实践创造出来的土地利用方式,并在国家政策的指导下稳步进行。